Date: 07/10/2017

Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Location: V&A Museum of Childhood Victoria and Albert Museum

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Black Herstory Month is an event that aims to celebrate the Black History Month from a gender perspective.

Black women’s stories have too often been erased from history or ignored.
Through different art workshops, participants will discover inspiring black women who have contributed positively to British society but don’t receive the same recognition as white men or women in our society.

Art workshops for families:

*Claudia Jones workshop: ‘A people’s art is the genesis of their freedom’
Concept: children will learn about the origins of the Notting Hill Carnival and Claudia Jones. Highlighting the importance of the West Indian Gazette and Afro-Asian Caribbean News in 1958.
Methodology: Carnival outfits made with collages while creating a unique Gazette!
Participants: children (+ 5 years). 15 max
-The positive impact of the Notting Hill Carnival.
-To understand the importance of the media to give visibility to different collective groups’ opinions.

*Mary Seacole’s Statue
Concept: we will introduce Mary Seacole and build our own statutes of her.
Methodology: clay sculptures painted with acrylics
Participants: children (+ 5 years). 15 max
-To celebrate Seacole’s recent recognition and explore the different techniques that memorabilia statues incorporate.
-To raise concern about the lack of visibility of important black women in our city landscape.

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