Lon-art.org is offering six free workshops entitled ‘My view of a better society’. These workshops will be open to communities from across London. They will all be led by practising artists, each of whom will advise participants on a different artistic technique:

The artists:

Ana Caro – Animation Director & Visual Artist

Di Garcia – Graphic Designer & Visual Artist

Maria Gilino – Painter & Ilustrator

Carolina Gutierrez – Plasticine Artist

María Jacas – Illustrator

Jaime Millán – Satirical Caricaturist

Mikey Watts – Filmmaker & Visual Artist


25th to 28th April 2013

29-31 Oxford Street, London, W1D 2DR.


If you believe in this cause and want to contribute to making it happen, any help you can give would be more than welcome. The money raised for the event will be used to buy the materials for the workshops, which are designed to offer disadvantaged people new opportunities, as well as cover the general running of the event.

To donate please visit:


If you would like to attend , please send an email to


with your name, or confirm your attendance on our Facebook page, where you can also see our workshop programme and all our updates! (Please note that only guests who let us know in advance will have access to the exhibition).


There will be an exhibition of the artists’ work to stimulate creativity. However, it won’t just be an exhibition, as people will interact with the artist and explore their own creative talents. During the two-hour workshop, the participants will be invited to make an artwork entitled ‘My View of a Better Society’. They will interpret this in their own ways, but the artists will be on hand to help them with their chosen technique, spreading their seeds of creativity.

Every creation will be photographed, leading to an on-going exhibition, not just of the artists’ work, but the work of the participants as well.

Our collaborators

To reach and benefit a range of participants, including some from disadvantaged communities, we will be working with a number of organisations:

3space will provide the space for the exhibition and workshops.

Refuge In Expression will have a mini youth film festival, which will be a prequel to a more developed one in the near future. There will be films and light entertainment with acoustic bands and poets on Sunday 28th.

Can a seed of creativity change our view of the world?

The artists think it can.

And we think it can!

Do you?

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