Black Herstory Month is an event which aim was to celebrate the Black History Month from a gender perspective. Black women’s stories have too often been erased from history or ignored.
Through different art workshops, participants discovered inspiring black women who have contributed positively to British society, but don’t receive the same recognition as white men or women in our society.

Workshop leaders

Sara López, Rosa Pérez, Bisila Noha, Elo, Verónica Restrepo and María González.


Idea Store Whitechapel


15 October 2016




Our workshops aimed at introducing these important historic women and their achievements to participants, who then use art – either by making puppets, clay mini statues, carnival costumes or banners – to visualise and even become part of these stories. We believe that something as ‘simple’ as children creating puppets of black women dressed as astronauts or scientists can help change those children’s perceptions. Our goal was for them to associate those careers and achievements not only with white men.

We have to rethink history. We have to question it and change paradigms to make our national history more inclusive. It might indeed be sad, or unfair, that we must still celebrate Black History Month, or Women’s History Month for that matter. However, the stories that Black History Month reveals continue to remain outside of our national story and identity. So until this changes and everyone, regardless of social class or background, is aware of them, Black History Month remains relevant and needed.

We would like to say thanks to:

Lon-art volunters, Luis Martínez for the pictures, Idea Store White Chapel staff, Sarah from East End Women’s museum, Tower Hamlets and to all participants that came over!
Event funded by:                                                                                                                            Event supported by:



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