Many thanks for sharing with us your points of view and experiences.
Workshop leaders
Maria González
Sara López
National Gallery
26 September 2015
The visit to the National Gallery is one of our classics now. It is a very special tour, during which we analise the roles that women have had throughout the History of Art – a story made by and for men. Even though we do not realised about it, the messages that some art masterpieces convey have influenced the way we see and understand our current visual culture. Therefore, by going beyond their beauty and analising those hidden messages, we train our gaze and learn how to look at the images we are shown on a daily basis from a critical point of view.
Outcomes and Impact:
It was a very enriching visit, as participants were very active and keen to share their own views and ideas. And that is exactly the aim of the visit: to open a dialogue between the art pieces and the public.